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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Use your village…

As a single mom.. things can get kind of hectic.. (an 8-5 job, a kindergartner, a second grader, a brand new dog..) but you know what I have learned these past few weeks (yes.. weeks.. lol.. I am a tad hard headed) is that I have always had a support system I just didn’t use it because in part .. I have always followed society’s  view that a strong woman should be able to be self-sufficient.. asking for help has always been a struggle for me.. HOWEVER.. I can honestly say that I have an awesome support system … My Mom is there as much as she can be well as my sisters and of course my friends and neighbors… sometimes our current societal state reflects too much on how bad the world has gotten and some of that is true but there is soo much beauty in our world still.. I choose to focus on that .. sometimes the energy you put out will be what you get in return..

 I teach my boys to always do “the right thing” not because what the action may benefit you.. but how it will benefit others.. if there is nothing else that you get from reading my blog it is to choose to look at things as positively as you can .. and let others into your world … don’t take on the world on your own ;-)           

"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and
take without forgetting."
Elizabeth Bibesco
                          "The wise person understands that his own happiness must
                                               include the happiness of others."
                                                        Dennis Weaver


Ms. Latina said...

As a single Mother of two boys who also works, I can def. relate. Just like you, I've come to realize that I am only as strong as my support system. Mil gracias por este post and the quote from Elizabeth Bibesco. It was a wonderful reminder!

Marcela said...

Asking for help is definitely something difficult to do as a woman, it seems we feel people will think less of us if we ask for help, but in reality like you said it makes us stronger and people respect us and appreciate our realness and honesty and enjoy helping.

Enjoyed your post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a very insightful post. And a very true one. As a former single mother, and now a working mother/step-mom of 4 kids, I really do rely on my "village." It was great meeting you yesterday, and I look forward to knowing you more.

Bere said...

Ms. Latina-- First I would like to apologize for the late reply! Thank you so much for reading and responding to my post.. this was a really important post to me because I wanted to make sure other parents are aware that there is help and that it is okay to accept it :)I am here for you .. us parents have to stick together!

Bere said...

Marcela-- I also apologize to you for the late reply..thanks so much for reading my post and your comment.. you know as a Modern woman .. we are stepping over all kinds of domestic boundaries so I think that we should just support each other and stop judging and having unrealistic expectations .. we are STRONG and wise .. especially when we are WISE enough to know we need to ask for help ;)..

Bere said...

lifewellblended-- ohmygoodness.. it was a PLEASURE meeting you on Saturday .. you have number.. give me a call so we can get together :).. thanks for you comment I am so glad you enjoyed my post!

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