Blogger news

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have missed writing to you .. and I can't promise that I will not neglect you in the future.. let me explain why. I HAVE TWO NEW JOBS!! I had to give up so much three years ago when I packed up my boys, leaving a job and financial semi-stability in Florida. I drove cross-country back to LA to have a second operation and I was unsure of the outcome of that, scared, exhausted, and desperate for a miracle.

My surgery and recovery were successful but I had no job, was living with my mom, and feeling lost. All I could think about was: storms. Let me explain; one day when I was living in North Dakota it was raining so hard we had to pull over because you couldn't even see an inch in front of you. The rain subsided in about five minutes but those five minutes felt like five hours. It was a tiny car, I had a crying 9 month old, and I was in the middle of nowhere. When it was over I had this thought, "Isn't this like life.. sometimes it storms so hard that you can't even see how you are going to go on (that one inch ahead of you blurs) and then in the next moment, the sun is shining and there is even a beautiful rainbow."

I thought about those moments today because I can feel that I am where I am supposed to be (for now). Both jobs are doing what I love helping people and social media. What makes it even more amazing is that on my last day, yesterday, at my previous job they announced that in two weeks they would be laying off about 60 employees. I felt blessed, humbled, and ready for more challenges because I had angels looking out for me -- making sure I got my rainbows and miracles. 

I can attest that if you hold out in your storm, you will come out okay. However, prepare yourself, go back to school if you can, involve yourself in internships, and get out there -- do not isolate yourself. Be encouraged, be good to others (Karma is real and she has a long memory), and never forget your dreams --- let them be your incentives to push you through your storm.

P.S. For any job-seekers-- here is a blog post I did for an amazing company that may interest you: iHispano


Reina I. Valenzuela said...

Proud of you and extremely happy that your storm has passed!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! The next time I'm having a rough day or week I'll remember what you said about storms. :)

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