Blogger news

Sunday, November 14, 2010

5th B-Day Adventure

Four years ago.. I looked forward to this day .. the day when my baby would be in kindergarten and be turning FIVE .. this was because I was still potty training my oldest son .. and changing diapers .. and finishing my degree .. so on and so forth..welll.. that day finally came .. and it was not what I expected .. I was saddened that I would no longer see another child off to kindergarten.. see funny little Christmas recitals … and it was even more bittersweet when my oldest son (Darion is seven) went on his very first big-boy rollercoaster: the Ghostrider at Knotts Berry Farm… our two-day celebration went like this:

I woke up my baby and snuggled and sung happy birthday to him..later I had to get him to stop singing happy birthday to himself and then the dog or he was going to make me late for work.. lol..
when I picked the boys up that day .. when asked where he wanted to go for dinner my brand-new five year old boldly stated that he wanted to go to Shogun.. and  we had a blast!
B-Day Boy

Mommy needed a drink ;)

The boys and I headed to Knotts Berry Farm and I thought that we would go on all the little kid rides .. but I was shocked when Darion said he wanted to go on Ghostrider.. and of course I had a moment when I wished he was too short to go on it.. but he was just barely tall enough and off he went.. I was soo scared … I remember being so excited when going on those huge roller coasters.. but now all I could think of was he going to fall out..? what if the ride shuts down? what if he starts to cry..?

None of the aforementioned things happened but.. I think I aged two years in that one moment....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Discovering Mas Luncheon

Soo my lovelies.. this past Saturday I went to the “Discovering Mas” Luncheon.. yes.. unbelievable that I left my babies on a Saturday … but let me tell you .. IT WAS WORTH IT!!

Aside from getting a little lost because my Google Maps App told me the destination would be on the left .. the place Callender's Grill  was an awesome restaurant and the food was delicious .. but I digress....

I got to meet some awesome ladies ..very awesome company …  needless to say .. there was bonding going on over pasta and drinks...that is one of the reasons why I started blogging.. I wanted to reach out to people .. although I wasn’t quite ready to leave the safety net of my home either.. … once I began to going to blogging events .. I was very nervous but it helped knowing that the people I would meet already had something in common with me .. they had blogs... and that filled that beginning silence that makes me a little uncomfortable when I first meet someone… the women at this event were very nice, professional, and ready to learn from our guest speakers: Jennifer Vides and Wally Sabria ..

Jennifer Vides spoke to us about developing our personal brand .. she inspired me to create my own persona and I brainstormed during her presentation what I stood for ...hmmm (more to come) …

Wally Sabria talked to us about creating a dialogue with our readers and during my brainstorming in his presentation.. I came up with my logo:

What do you guys think?? This logo took me forever (keep in mind I am very new to all of this .. lol)!
From this event --- I FOUND the physical representation of my voice, which as my logo states is that of a renaissance woman .. Iam not only am a Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend .. I am also a professional mujer(woman) that is a jack of all trades and a juggler of life.. I challenge my readers.. male and female alike to think about what voice they have… and what that voice can offer the world … ;) 

OH MY GOSH: THE GOODIE BAGS WERE AMMMAAAZING.. the mouse pad that QUE RICA VIDA gave just reminded me of how much I wish I had an IPAD so I can download their app which I hear from everybody that has awesome recipes, Kurvee gave some awesome goodies (you can read my tweets to see how much II LOOVVE the Bic pen I got from them), Avocados from Mexico were also there and I literally had avocadoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.. they were soo big and just ripe enough! (more about the recipes I used later..) Procter and Gamble gave us soooo much stuff, Chinese Laundry, Ardell,  China Glaze, Carolina Pad, Macys, and Palomaya ( I was really hoping I would win their t-shirt in the raffles :/), WetnWild, Payless Shoe Source, Bali (the tights were amazing.!), Knex.. I hope I am not leaving any out because all of the companies were much appreciated.... here are some pics :) 

The Pen (thanks @kurvee)!

courtesy of:

One more thing that I have been playing around with sharing with you guys is that I will be beginning to take more control of my health and in doing so .. I WILL BE RUNNING IN A MARATHON ON DECEMBER 10th … I will talk more about this in my next blog post ….


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Use your village…

As a single mom.. things can get kind of hectic.. (an 8-5 job, a kindergartner, a second grader, a brand new dog..) but you know what I have learned these past few weeks (yes.. weeks.. lol.. I am a tad hard headed) is that I have always had a support system I just didn’t use it because in part .. I have always followed society’s  view that a strong woman should be able to be self-sufficient.. asking for help has always been a struggle for me.. HOWEVER.. I can honestly say that I have an awesome support system … My Mom is there as much as she can be well as my sisters and of course my friends and neighbors… sometimes our current societal state reflects too much on how bad the world has gotten and some of that is true but there is soo much beauty in our world still.. I choose to focus on that .. sometimes the energy you put out will be what you get in return..

 I teach my boys to always do “the right thing” not because what the action may benefit you.. but how it will benefit others.. if there is nothing else that you get from reading my blog it is to choose to look at things as positively as you can .. and let others into your world … don’t take on the world on your own ;-)           

"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and
take without forgetting."
Elizabeth Bibesco
                          "The wise person understands that his own happiness must
                                               include the happiness of others."
                                                        Dennis Weaver